Velvet Room, Alpacastraat 29, 9000 Gent / Monday, Sept. 30 to Sunday, Oct. 6 / 14.00-18.00
Sculpture of wood, polystyrene glass and plastic. A wooden real size replica of the German Biber, a one-man submarine from World War II. The sculpture was painted with phosphor paint, which makes it glow in the dark and which gives an unreal, fairy-tale effect.
Roel van Timmeren has his roots in painting. Painting enables him to critically question the world around him and relate to the "global village" and our fully mediated, standardized society. Moreover he considers his drawings, sculptures, videos and site-specific installations a form of painting as well. Whatever medium he works with, Van Timmeren tries to open up an intermediate dimension where the magical things occur which have no place in the prevailing worldview.
Roel van Timmeren