MLVA Art Gallery, Hoornstraat 11, Ghent, Wednesday - Thursday: 12:00 - 16:00, Friday - Saturday: 11:00 - 18:00, https://www.mlva-gallery.com
Claire Aguilar was born in 1989 and grew up in the South-West of France. She always had a passion for painting and pursued her dream after finishing school. She moved to Paris to study applied arts at renowned schools like Olivier de Serres, Estienne, and Duperré. Afterward, she gained experience working in Copenhagen, New York (Metropolitan Museum of Art), and Paris before settling down in Marseille to focus on her art. And we're thrilled that she decided to pursue her art! Claire is a unique and gifted artist with a deep emotional connection. The fusion of abstract and realism in her art is both intriguing and coherent. Her work evokes surprising emotions, igniting our imaginations and taking us on a journey of introspection.
“The contours of my practice move between abstraction and realism. I look for otherness and the points of connection between these two languages. The line of sight is always this “in-finitude”; word which contracts in itself an oxymoron.- I paint absence. What missing part leaves room for an existing story?”

Here, the portrait is twofold. It is not the representation of a face - form absolute — but an encounter through a collage. One image enters into conversation with another and opens the work towards a new horizon. My paintings open a passage between two worlds. The ambiguity between “Revelation” or “ellipsis” participates in the viewer’s free interpretation.
The necessity was born as we talked about other worlds, non-humans who inhabit me. Left until then in the background in my paintings, they take their place in the middle of a family of small paintings. Often worked in mirror with an abstract, they also converse between two worlds.
I am adopting a new vocabulary: vagueness. As in photography, it is an inaccurate focus in a stolen moment, a tight framing, an intimacy captured. My paintings wish to be incomplete: hidden portraits, blurred clarity, hidden glances. This infinitude offers an eternity, in the wake of other images that there would have been before and that there will be after. A suspension in time.